Beleids dokumente


  1. Kansellasies moet 48 werksure voor die kursus gedoen word. Indien dit nie gebeur nie sal 50% van kursusfooi op u rekening verskyn. Indien u laat kanselleer en die kursusgetal onder die minimum dwing sal u voluit betaal.
  2. Die bevestigingsbrief wat die jaar se datums uiteensit, is u amptelike beplanningsdokument. Die herinneringsbrief, wat ons ‘n week voor die kursus aan u stuur, is slegs ‘n hulpmiddel. Indien ‘n student nie opdaag omdat u nie die herinnering ontvang het nie, bly u verantwoordelik vir 50% van kursusfooi.
  3. Rapporteer klagtes dadelik aan Joy. Moet nie wag tot die plaasbesoek nie.
  4. Die herinneringsbrief bevat belangrike inligting vir die student. Gee dit asb vir die student ten minste ‘n paar dae voor die kursus. Daardeur sal hy beter voorbereid wees en u kan beter resultate verwag.
  5. “Globalgap briefies” : ons is bereid om dit te maak indien die opleidingsdatums na u oudit datum val. Ons benodig die student se naam en id nommer daarvoor. Indien u egter nie daardie persoon oplei soos op die briefie gespesifiseer nie, sal u volle kursusfooi betaal


  1. Cancellations must be done 48 hours before the course is due to start. If cancellations are made after that, the farm will pay 50% of the course fees. If your late cancellation reduces the entries to below the minimum you will pay in full.
  2. The letter confirming your training for the year and indicating the dates is your official planning document. The reminder we send a week before the time is merely a useful tool. If a student is absent because you did not receive a reminder, but the date is on your letter of confirmation, you will be liable for 50% of the fee.
  3. Report complaints to Joy as soon as they arise. Do not wait for the farm visit.
  4. The reminder we send contains important information for the student. Make sure the student receives it at least a few days before the course. That will help him / her to prepare themselves and the results will be better.
  5. “Globalpgap notes” : we are prepared to make these notes if your audit date is before your training course date. We will require the students name and id number. If however, that student does not arrive for the course as specified by the note, the farm will be liable for the total course fee.